Taking a Technology Vision Quest
More and more often I hear people say that the world is changing too fast to try and think ahead more than three years, or even one year. Not all that long ago we all thought a five-year plan was the norm, yet now leaders and managers no longer find

Where is the Open Banking We Have All Been Promised?
Open banking has been touted as the savior of financial institutions and consumers alike when it comes to the services that can be offered and can be accessed easily regardless of the vendors and companies involved. Yet in many cases, I see that the promise of open banking is still

Fintech Trends in 2023
Fintech is a rapidly growing industry, and it's no surprise that there are a number of exciting trends to look out for in 2023.

Tutorials? Sure!
Over the past several weeks I have been tinkering with a lot of different platforms and software. As much for my own learning as for anything else. I have been messing more and more with Contabo VPS hosting,, Zabbix, Ubuntu Server, etc. and it just makes sense that